Shortlist with Certainty

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Transform your assessment process

Shortlister enhances every step of the interview journey - from scheduling to review

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Quality assured

Shortlister interviews uncover all of the key criteria assessed in in-person interviews - without the cost and complexity of hosting them.

Shortlister gives us confidence in our selections at the first round as we can connect the interview we have seen to the individual we meet in-person.

Vaios Dimoragas, Hiring Manager

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No scheduling

Shortlister removes the need for scheduling completely and places applicants in-front of your hiring managers instantly.

This was one of the best video interviews I've done - it was nice to be asked a question face to face rather than reading text on a screen.

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High volume

Whether you're interviewing 10 people across the globe or 1,000 over a weekend, Shortlister manages the process end-to-end.

Shortlister significantly reduced our investment in screening, allowing us to focus our time and attention on attracting more applications.

Christopher Buckley, Talent Manager
East Midlands Trains

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Team review

Shortlister interviews give your hiring managers 100% flexibility to select applicants as a team - wherever and whenever they want.

Shortlister has had a massive impact. It's given us a lot more flexibility - and saved us as much as 500 hours on a single campaign.

Debbie Edmondson, Talent Director
Cohesion Recruitment

A measurable impact on recruitment success

We're trusted with 100,000s of candidates by businesses worldwide - find out why